If you receive a Gift Voucher/Coupon by email, it will contain details of who sent you the Gift Voucher/Coupon and possibly a short message from them. The email will also contain the Gift Voucher/Coupon Number. It is a good idea to print out this email for future reference. You can now redeem the Gift Voucher/Coupon in two ways:
1) By clicking on the link contained within the email, which will take you to the store's "Redeem Voucher/Coupon page." You will then be requested to log into your GolfOnline account, after which the Gift Voucher/Coupon will be validated and the value will be credited to your Gift Voucher Account. You can then spend the Gift Voucher within a year.
2) During the checkout process, on the same page that you select a payment method, there will be a box to enter your redemption code. Enter the code here, and click the redeem button. The code will be validated and added to your Gift Voucher account. You can then use the amount to purchase any item from our store within a year.